The Out of Office Rule

In a world that glorifies the hustle culture, overwork and burnout, we have embraced an alternative approach to work-life balance: the out of office rule.
For us, work starts at 9am and finishes at 5pm, Sunday to Thursday (our weekends are Friday & Saturday here in sunny Bahrain); Our rule is, no work messages after 5pm or on the weekends. It may seem dramatic (mostly to our clients) but let me explain the reasoning behind our novel idea;
With good time management and a strong work ethic, 8 hours a day over 5 days is plenty of time to get work done. Weekends and evenings; those sacred days of rest, are reserved for relaxation, hobbies, and enjoying the freedom of unstructured time. Mental and physical rejuvenation is vital, creativity flourishes when nurtured in a space free from the demands of work. Work should never seep into personal time, which inevitably is to stifle the spirit. Every one, should time to pursue our passions outside of work.
For artisans of creativity – we need time to indulge in our hobbies, our lives and sometimes indulge in doing nothing. Creativity is nurtured when you have mental & physical space from monotonous routines. We thrive when we nurture our passions, when we bask in the freedom of unstructured hours.
In essence, preserving our own well-being allows us to deliver our best selves to our clients
We prioritize the art of communication over the urgency of constant availability. And as I always say to my team, we work in PR, not ER, we are heralds of persuasion, not healers of urgencies!
Hina Mirza
PR Specialist
The Social Company