There are not many people who are not familiar with the game Twister, challenging physical skill, usually played in groups of two or more people. It involves stepping on coloured circles on a large mat and quickly gets very tricky the more people that join the game, an extremely fun and timeless game that many still play today.
Twister was introduced in the second half of the 20th Century, alongside the infamous hula-hoop. Due to the sexual connotation behind the game, it was hard for the toy company, Hasbro to sell the game. After showcasing the new game in New York at an International Toy Convention, the game was deemed “indecent” and wasn’t able to make the sales it needed to thrive.
So how did PR save Twister?
Public relations saved the game by setting up a platform on national television in 1966 on “The Tonight Show” that showcased Twister in a live setting with a live audience.
The audience was thoroughly engaged by the live demonstration, and were able to appreciate the family game for what it was intended, with a whopping 12 million viewership for that show, the game was not only saved from dying out before it had even launched officially, but quickly became a raving success. Twister now holds a special place in the National Toy Hall of Fame in Rochester, New York.
Moral of the story?
The media is a powerhouse and when it comes to brands, companies need media relations in their public relations strategy whilst targeting the right audience, at the right time.
It is tricky to navigate, but once enough research is done, the right sources of media are reached out to and once a relationship is established; your brand reputation can quickly grow from there.
Contact The Social Company today to discuss your PR and Marketing needs.